Sunday, September 7, 2008

its quite the sensation

so im thinking right now
that it's a pretty strange thing, when you want the weekend to be over, just so you can see someone
and i mean someone who ive hung out with, for only like 3 days.
but the thing is, its something i havnt ever felt before in my life. honestly.
not like this.
i dont know, its pretty cool
oh, that and the kit-kat theme song.
gimme a break, gimme a break.
gimme a piece of that fancy feast.
those are the damn frickin^ words right there
ive also discovered the only reflection i enjoy seeing of myself is in the back of a cd.
or if i have on skinny jeans, in a full length mirror.
i wont lie to you people, they actually make my ass look smaller, and that is something im truly concious of.
currently listening to- TAI Crowded Room
cant a brother rock a kimono these days?

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