Monday, November 3, 2008

welcome heights-bound goers (here thar be wolves)

"one day i might need you
one day i might see you
one day i might scream for you
at the top of my lunges"
-yours truly

shit yeah i just made that up
mind you
dont go telling everyone
but on a novemberistic note
there is a touch of romance in the air.
and for that, i will apologize to noone
cause she is hot as shit in black with eyeliner.
and heels for that matter
but we'll get into that later.
oh my god.
i have to be not him ,cause if im him, its that all over again, and not to mention if that other thing is all over again (which i wont let it be) but if it is i wont do it and then itll be easier, except itll be harder but it wont be cause its not.
that is rye-inian logic right there.
you must know all to understand all to know what that mofo is talking about
for christs sake
knowledge might be power.
just like im knowledgeable of how fucking agraid i am that someone might tickle my feet right exactly now.
holy shitness....
.to do this week [hn;b;kjbhlgvkfjchgx dfhyevb.]
~be awsome
~dont shave
~record a song or 3
~do well (not involving the awesomeness that may or not may not be in reltions with this)
~where glasses
~learn something new
~pay minimilist attention
~learn down and out
~be sexy
~feel sexy
~sing carmina baurana

-the greatest man thinking

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