Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's My "Real" Policy

Fuck anyone who goes to china after july 2009.
but that goes without saying.
I'm sick, and stuffy, && couldn't find the ampersand, and all i can smell is tea O_()

Monday, October 19, 2009

My New Pet Lightbulb.

And My greatest ideas of the last few weeks are as follows
-Matching tattoos with a buddy with each others names "Nobody Put's ____ ______ In the Corner"
-Suprise Hash brownies at a buddies party. Post halloween. LOts of fun. but im not entirely ready to start drugging people. I'm not nearly low enough for that. I am definitely low enough to fuck a cello though.
-My hit cd of german translated acoustic silly songs
-My Pet Lightbulb.

Yeah, i get it, im a fag.


(almost lost my camera cord fora moment, whew)