Friday, December 25, 2009

I Want To Set Myself on Fire and Slit My Own Throat

No, thats only a metaphor for my thoughts on the year respectively.
Perhaps, im just rather depressed around the holidays.
When in reality its my independence kicking in and that only reminds me of my dependence on my friends.
I miss my friends.
I honestly do.
And while im too busy complaining and being a fucking miser, i cant commit to anything.
Not finishing anything today, for the record. Perhaps for the rest of the year.

When valentines day comes around, i'll bring back a few projects i had going for me.
I should really get working, a brigade is working through, and its a perfect fit.

turn back around and get out of
the sandbox and the simplest
manners of reaction
to the simplest smallest actions because
last nights effects on meare inversely proportioned
to the year of 2006
and how time is a circle
and how the walls are closing in
and how time is just a circle
a circle
not a click.

ripped my knees on the ground
as the mistress had an orgasm we
didn't expect everyone to see
how i've been hung on curtains
let's pretend:
"i'm a foolish sailor, and every thing i look at
turns into water
so i never get on shore"
but then again:
"i'm a foolish half-man
im not here to stare but
i need a drink of water
I've just landed upon the shore"

don't, go,
looking around here for something
you know is wrong you know is gone
and yet again it was the night before
she left it here, for him (once more)
he's looking around here for it
you know it's wrong you know it's gone
just again like the night before
he left it here, for her (no more)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cut Ahead.

Whens the last time i actually smiled at lyrics as sad as this?
but when was it really, the last time i smiled like this?

look down.

i hope i don't forget what this morning what was all about

to the left side and to the right side
either way its a crazy golf course.

Anywhere Is a Good Time For a Cello.

who knowws what is coming.
i think i found something again.

this thing hurts like hell.
but what did you expect.

{oh i'm buzzing, quick like, see?}

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Pictures Are For the Weak (ergo) I Am Weak As Fuck


Up down up down up down. . .Updown.

So the times they are a changing. Craiggery owens is still here. Sharpies smell the same. The season is the season.

And hoodies and christmas and 8 and lampshades & licorice.

When you can hear nature it's everything on fire +

As soon as i watch this, i'll be right back

( )


oh what a concept...

wildness my friends.

cummedyegha. go sleep.

Hey Moon.

(auch, das wetter ist sehr toll. windig, und schnee, sehr sehr schön.)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Things Tangible Like Books...

Ever dream in musical?

Its not unlike pulling a piano from a pond...

come on, i'm right here.

Its exactly like real life. With some twists.

I just hope luke doesnt get angry with meh.



welcome to cummedycember

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's My "Real" Policy

Fuck anyone who goes to china after july 2009.
but that goes without saying.
I'm sick, and stuffy, && couldn't find the ampersand, and all i can smell is tea O_()

Monday, October 19, 2009

My New Pet Lightbulb.

And My greatest ideas of the last few weeks are as follows
-Matching tattoos with a buddy with each others names "Nobody Put's ____ ______ In the Corner"
-Suprise Hash brownies at a buddies party. Post halloween. LOts of fun. but im not entirely ready to start drugging people. I'm not nearly low enough for that. I am definitely low enough to fuck a cello though.
-My hit cd of german translated acoustic silly songs
-My Pet Lightbulb.

Yeah, i get it, im a fag.


(almost lost my camera cord fora moment, whew)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I'd Kill, Just to Sing

When everything is going right, theres gotta be something wrong.
I hope that it's me. Because in a few short hours, I know it is.
And most importantly (contrary to what I said just over a year ago)
If you can change it, it will.
I'll leave September with that I think. Hard to believe 13 months can pass that quick.
Just as fast as the year 2013 wont come i suppose.
Bummer. I always wanted a life.

Monday, August 31, 2009


I admittedely like highschool.
Only when im getting fuct up.

oh yes, the shit has hit the floor.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Im Such a Queen My Friends

Your Name,
Treble Cleft,
Bass Cleft,
Sing Me a Rainbow,
Steal Me a Dream,
Asbestos & Formaldehyde

and thats all we have for now.

How 2006 affected me more so than any year outside of the year than i think any to come.
Which is kindof funny.

Since im probably gonna do it all over again. Hopefully in 2016.
And by it

i mean anything i want.
not anyone, mind you.
but heed my warning; everything thats gonna go down;

is everything they let me down on.

Im maneater, who's sick and tired of life, my lonelyness is killing me, see me let go.
Cant you see the sky turn black and brown. cant you see the moon is flashing round
cant you see me no.

Ho yeah. Its pretty serious.

the fan behind my bed, does exactly as i say.
and just because i cant do everything perfect, doesnt mean ill come undone.



Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Differen't Kindof Night

A different kindof knight.
who saves you every way
thats not out to get anyone
like another simple day

and everyone who puts your down
are exactly what they say
and when they become them
is a day everyone will hate

and sing it as soft as you can
a song for nobody
because noone else like you
has ever cried for me

lets get some sleep.
live from home, its sunday night.